IEXI was born in 1954 thanks to Narciso Maraviglia, the first who proposed to the italian shoe factories to use chemical products for the finishing of the leather shoes.
The positive answer received from the shoe factories brought to the birth of the so called “ITALIAN FINISH” and then at the collocation of IEXI as leader in this field, thanks to the quality of its products and to the competence of its operators.
The “ITALIAN FINISH” have become during the time the referring point in all the leather products world; in this way finishing has become one of the most important aspects in the shoe, bag and leather garments manufacturing process.
Since 1954 IEXI has analysed constantly the needs of the leather goods market proposing top quality products according to the new tanneries technologies and to the continuous fashion change.
Our complete range includes more than 200 products to finish any kind of leather shoes and also all the leather objects. IEXI’s technicians have the possibility to study particular articles and colours according to specific needs as the fashion world requires.